‘Time4God’ is an international church community with people from all kinds of backgrounds and nations. Shortly after University College Roosevelt was founded in Middelburg in 2004,
a committee with people from different denominations was formed. They started to organize church services in English to give students a spiritual home, far from home. During the years many students have visited the services, but there are also expats, refugees and Dutch people who appreciate the international atmosphere. We are a multi-national community for all ages.
Whether you have been a Christian for years, have become one more recently, or are just curious about Christian faith and the Bible, you are most welcome. Every month we have another pastor. These pastors are from different churches and cultural backgrounds but they have one thing in common: the love for Jesus Christ and for the people they meet.
The services take place in the Gasthuiskerk, Lange Delft 94 in Middelburg, on Sunday evenings 19.30, once a month, from September until May. After the service there is always coffee/tea and time to meet others.